“Diz-se que Portugal é bom país para viver”
(They Say Portugal is a Good Country to Live In)
by Pauliana V. Pimentel and Alexandre Azinheira
40 minutes | color | 2011
People from different age groups and social status living in Portugal now, were interviewed. All of them answered the same questions, in order to identify their origins, their present experiences and their future perspectives. Universal questions like “Are you happy?” “Is another revolution necessary?”, “what’s your biggest fear?” “What do you expect to be in ten years time” etc. The intention of this video was to give a contemporary general idea of the concerns of people living in times of uncertainty, crisis at different levels and changing values. It revealed alert people with strong convictions, believing and wishing for a better life.
This work was presented in “Encontros de Imagem Photo Festival, 2011” within the theme NEW VISIONS on Social Documentary Photography
Support: Take It Easy Film