It is good to dream of traveling to somewhere 5,000 km away from Lisbon, between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, in a corner of land equivalent to twice the area of Portugal but whose rich ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity, and diversity of its customs and cultures beats the world record.
The Transcaucasia with 150,000 km2 is inhabited by more than 52 different nationalities where they speak over 30 languages. It is a true mosaic of different races and religions are mostly formed by the Armenians, Azeris and Georgians. However, the three nations that make up most of the land are imbued with the same fraternal spirit that share the same values ​​and whose ancient ties could never be destroyed by any fratricidal war.
These photographs represent a kaleidoscope of diversity and also a unit of manners in the way of life of each one. From Ajaria to the border of the East, portraying the market for carpets in Baku, we feel the same serenity and tranquility of the same faces and movements, a world full of poetry.
A nostalgic past repeats itself endlessly through the tapestry of colors and arrangement of objects, dreams, the aromas and flavors merge. Both in Yerevan and in Baku and Tbilisi are surprised by the same light that makes Transcaucasia a happy universe with a promising future.

Zaven Yegavian
President of the service of the Armenian Communities of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

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